a small, yet powerful solution.
THE EDEN C series
Meet Eden C Batch, the nutrient delivery system for smaller grows. It is small yet precise, inexpensive and intelligent. Eden C’s proprietary control system is sleek and simple as it does not require complicated programming. Simply plug the system in and use the intuitive touchscreen interface to create your nutrient recipe and let Eden C begin controlling nutrient delivery to your plants. Rest easy knowing that you can monitor Eden C from your phone, tablet, or computer while you’re away. Eden C installs with ease fitting through standard single doors, plugs into a nearby 120V outlet, and has standard 1” NPT plumbing connections.

eden c specs
Most frequent questions and answers
eden c can operate up to four separate rooms.
The Eden C can operate up to 5 different nutrient zones at a time.
Eden C can fit through a standard single doorway.
Eden C is controlled by the on-site PLC touchscreen, and our complete control OS system. You are able to remotely access your eden system from wifi, or cellular data at anytime via your mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
Eden C is skid mounted with a plug-and-play 110V connection.
precision feeding with 24/7 control
The perfect pair for your plants does exist
remote access to your farm, from anywhere in the world.
our complete control os system is the perfect pair with our eden series. The operating system is fully customizable, and gives cultivators a solution to remotely access their farm 24/7 365. Let us do the hard work, you have enough to worry about.